i miss u lil blog trash ! xDDD ahem ya sorry was lazy to check this =S well nothings new with life..people dont bother posting here..oh i got new ppl..i mean chatted with new ppl so i might ask them...apaaart from that uhh one piece rocks? should we post latest animes with subs? o_O anyone interested in animes? or manga? mmm mangas stilll confusing to read for me =-=;; oh and another thing if you wanna edit some photos u can download the picasa from google..its pretty cool..i just found out bout it =-=;; soo yaa and umm if u wanna see some of my photos u can see them here : sleepyflyingpiggy.deviantart.com heh ^^;; and issnt the mutton cute? upside down. meh.